You had me chuckling from your opening line. I'd never questioned the fact that Henry Cavill was Superman. I forgot he also played the quintessential British role of Henry VIII. He seemed so natural as an American hero. Fooled me!

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Thank you! Andrew Lincoln is another one I mentioned who hops between accents, of course...but let's not talk too much about his (kinda creepy) role in Love Actually.

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Oh right! I never saw The Walking Dead so he'll always be the creepy best friend (terrible friend) to me 😆

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I’ve had so many faves I thought were American who weren’t. I can catch it sometimes, though. My best call was Hugh Laurie. Something about the way he lisped when he said the word “bitch”… 😒 This was a fun read. Thanks for sharing.

When oh when will Americans be able to fool the world?? I’m going to work on my Lancashire accent. Wish me luck.

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Hugh is another good example! And thank you :)

You try that, I'll start work on a Minnesota accent, and we'll see who's more convincing first...

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